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Packaging Compliance Scheme

Helping you with packaging waste compliance, regulations and waste management

What is packaging EPR?

The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations of 2024 requires obligated businesses to report data on the packaging they had handled and supplied to the UK market. Under these regulations, producers are required to pay the full net costs of the collection, sorting, recycling and disposal of all household packaging. 

From the year 2025, the main pEPR regulations will be effective in full force. These will replace the 2007 Producer Responsibility Packaging Waste Regulations. Producers will have a Packaging Recovery Note (PRN) obligation for both domestic and commercial packaging put on the UK market, along with an EPR disposal fee obligation for household packaging placed on the UK market.

Here at Recycling Lives Services, we understand that this ever-changing policy landscape can be tricky to understand. We’re here to help you navigate the requirements and ensure that all your responsibilities are met. 

Is your business obligated to register with a packaging compliance scheme?

Your business may have an obligation to register under packaging waste regulations if you meet the following criteria based on the size of your organisation:

For large organisations

In order for large organisations to meet obligated under the regulations, businesses must meet or exceed the following two thresholds:

  • A turnover of more than £2 million


  • Responsible for over 50 tonnes of packaging in a calendar year, in relation to the EPR packaging activities

If you meet the two thresholds above, your business may also be obligated by the old 2007 packaging waste regulations for 2024. Please get in touch for more information.


For small organisations

In order to be obligated under the regulations as a small business, you must meet ONE of the following thresholds:

  • A turnover between £1-2 million, and responsible for over 25 tonnes of packaging in a calendar year, in relation to the EPR activities


  • A turnover above £2 million, and responsible for 25-50 tonnes of packaging in a calendar year, in relation to the EPR activities.

Businesses that meet or exceed the lower threshold will only be obligated to report their packaging data from 2025.


If you think you may be obligated to comply with a packaging waste scheme as either a large or small business, contact us today for help.

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Extended Producer Responsibility: What is it and is my business liable?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) aims to transfer the entire burden of handling domestic waste from public systems to the manufacturers themselves. This is to encourage the reprocessing of recyclable materials into high-quality, usable secondary resources by ensuring that producers bear the full management costs.

Additionally, EPR will transform the management and financial aspects of reprocessing waste from commercial and industrial sources, altering the current approach to handling non-domestic packaging waste.

You may be obligated if:

  • Your annual UK turnover exceeds £1 million
  • Your business has a physical presence in the UK
  • Your business handles more than 25 tonnes of packaging and/or packaging materials


Unsure whether your business falls under the EPR category? Talk to one of our advisors for packaging compliance support.

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Why join our packaging compliance scheme?

Packaging waste compliance is incredibly complex. If you don’t oblige or meet the standards set, your business could be liable.

At Recycling Lives Services, we can will take on your legal responsibilities and help you gather the information needed for compliance.​

In addition to packaging compliance, we can offer a total waste management solution covering waste collections, electrical waste and batteries.​

Whilst we are one of the newest compliance schemes, established in 2021, but you will be working with a well-respected team with nearly fifty years of experience and expertise within the packaging compliance and waste sectors.​

And of course, we are unique in being associated closely with the Recycling Lives charity.

How can we help?

We take on your legal obligations under the packaging waste regulations and register you as a producer with the Environment Agency

We help you calculate your packaging obligations

Purchase the required (Packaging Recovery Notes) PRNs to meet these obligations and provide this evidence to the Environment Agency on your behalf

Carry out regular reviews to ensure data are as accurate as possible and advise of any improvements

Keep you up to date with changes in government policy, forthcoming amendments to the regulations and what these may mean for your business

Guide you through the new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) registration and data gathering process, providing regular regulatory updates and support.

Extended Producer Responsibilities (EPR)​

These revised regulations are due to come into full effect from 2025 and will replace the existing regulations, which were last significantly revised in 2007.Reporting for EPR is now open, but with no fees associated to it in 2024 (based on 2023 data).

The key points of the new EPR scheme are as follows:

The obligated producer will pick up the full obligation. Shared responsibility is being replaced​
Threshold for small producers is falling to £1m turnover AND 25tonnes of packaging handled in 2025 (based on 2024 data)
Obligated producers fall under the following categories: Brand-Owners, Importers, Packer/filler, Distributor, Service Provider and Online marketplace​
Any household packaging you are obligated for will need to be recorded separately and will attract an additional fee to reimburse local authorities for its collection​
The reporting period moves from annual to twice a year – 1st October and 1 April​
Commonly littered packaging and drinks containers have their own category​
Fees will be modulated in subsequent years to reflect the environmental impact and the cost of recovery of different materials​
A separate ‘nation of sale’ data report will be required from any producer (Large and Small) who sells packaged goods or packaging to an end-user.  This will come online in 2025 (based on 2024 data)​

Frequently asked questions

What is packaging compliance?
Packaging compliance, or packaging waste compliance, is where a business needs to follow a set of rules and regulations, set out by EPR.
What is the new packaging law in the UK?
The UK’s new EPR law will come into force in 2025. This law stipulates that companies that use, make, or sell products in packaging pay for the costs to recycle and throw away that packaging. Businesses must track how much packaging they use, report this data, and pay fees based on the types and weights of packaging. The law covers big and small businesses, including those that sell online. Companies that don’t follow the rules will face fines. Some small businesses below certain limits might not have to do everything, but all businesses will need to check their packaging, set up systems to report, and maybe switch to more eco-friendly materials.
Who pays EPR fees?
All businesses that produce packaging will be responsible for 100% of the EPR fees.

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Why work with us
British Gas Logo
British Gas

“Our relationship with Recycling Lives spans more than 6 years starting with our first load in 2016.

We send scrap and waste material including copper, brass, ferrous metal and more they also handle our hazardous waste such as oil and aerosols. We honestly like everything about Recycling Lives, their people are dedicated to what they do, work hard and are exceptionally friendly to deal with. Their attitude to work and charity is inspirational. Long may our partnership continue.”

Why work with us
BT Logo
British Telecom

“BT and Recycling Lives have a long established relationship stretching back over 15 years.

We were looking to ensure we met and exceeded all of our environmental and waste targets and goals. To enable us to achieve this, we needed to work with the right partners that carry the same values and provide us with solutions we need in an ever change environment. Recycling Lives have continuously demonstrated their ability to deliver, always willing to go that extra mile when needed, and have built a trust within BT that our waste is in safe hands. We will continue to work with Recycling Lives in the future.”
